So, one thing's for certain. I may be a little slow and it certainly doesn't come naturally, but I have the trip to school and back down now. HEY - there are SO many choices when it comes to going INTO and OUT OF the subway and you end up on all these strange corners or, heaven forbid, the middle of a block and just TRY finding your way when it's all different. Until, you choose one and stick with it. I also figured out that instead of trying to time getting to class ON TIME, I would simply leave an hour early and wander through the Barnes and Noble 2 blocks away (where I picked up a great Sargent in Italy picture book) or go across the street from school and sit casually and with no stress or hurry and eat a delicious cup of lentil soup. How great to be so close to so many super choices! Heck - I could eat my soup AND look through my book. Gee.
Class tonight was good. It took me 1-3 hour class time to get to the same point I was at last time after 2-3 hour class times. I was happy with my head but it was not the best in the class and that never sits well with me. At the end, we lined them all up and some other guy won the 'best head' award and I think it was only because it LOOKED like a black girl but THIS black girl looked like she was from (how would I know?) anyway - she was beautiful, but only after I sculpted her head did I really think so. She had this thin, delicate face and these wide, big eyes and all I could think of was Egypt and not Africa - wait, Egypt is IN Africa. So, maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about here but my head was GOOD and it looked a lot like her.
Putting all that aside, instead of heading straight to the outside of her head and getting the 'drawing' right, I need to try to think of working from the volume INSIDE her head and building from it - out. I worked slowly building this time and it was awkward because things were so flat for so long but I think that was because I needed to move more and that is becoming a bit of a challenge. There are a lot of people in class and these guys (the ones who have been here before) set themselves up on the side where there is the best light and then instead of moving their sculptures around they turn the model instead (she's set up on a stand that rotates) so they never move and I can never be where they are. Well, I need to move around a whole lot more then these guys move the model and when I move to a new spot, they move the model and then I'm in the wrong spot again. I tried to stay still last night and not move, just go with when they moved the model (I'm afraid if I moved the model, I'd be doing it every 10 minutes) and it caused me trouble. The teacher said, next week, he would move the model every 5 minutes or so (yippee!) and then everything would build all around evenly, gradually and I think it will help.
I feel like being in this sculpture class will help me see volume more in my 2 dimensional work. This seems to be my biggest challenge and something I hope to really get better at in the next few months. That, and to be a better draw-er. Whoa, better not start that list...
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