Wednesday, November 10, 2010


First of all,


I am having a bit of a hard time narrowing down the gifts! Erica and Carly are coming here to NYC while I'm gone to Omaha for Thanksgiving. I wanted to visit my parents (my mom will be celebrating 4 years after discovering breast cancer) and I thought Thanksgiving time would be perfect. It IS a great idea as all 3 of my classes are canceled that week, however:

1. I miss the Macy's day parade - would I really have gone anyway?
2. It means I won't be home for EIGHT weeks, straight.
3. And now...

After I made all the travel arrangements, I realized that I will have an empty apartment in NYC for a full week so I mentioned it to Erica, who loves NYC almost as much as her mom (yea, I'll fight you for it!) and she mentioned it to Carly, who spent a year here at NYU (gee whiz Carly, that's almost 13 years ago!). The 2 of them decided to scrounge together their pennies for the flight and take advantage of a free place to stay. That also means:

3.a. I will have 2 daughters here and I'm GONE! Somehow, hmmm, this just does not feel right. Here I am, all by myself, and 2 of my daughters are coming to visit and I LEAVE. I can't NOT go to Omaha. All the more reason to buy this giant SIMS house in Kennewick and bring us all together under one roof, forever.

So I am busy buying birthday gift cards for things to do while they're here. It is so hard to narrow it down and I'm sure they would just say, ah, heck - why narrow it down - because what is NYC all about? Excess.

Speaking of which, I had a facial yesterday - ah, ya. It was fabulous and not so expensive actually, except the darn girl was so good, sweet, kind, encouraging - that I ended up buying 3 new facial products that cost more than the facial did! And a sweater to boot. WHO sells sweaters in a SPA? "NO MORE CLOTHES", remember?

The worst part of the day came when I realized my glasses somehow dropped out of my purse, which is at times, over-flowing with scarves, gloves and all the warm stuff I take off when I walk into places and start sweating. I had my glasses because I didn't want to wear my contacts to the facial. Why did I take them off? Why didn't I stick them safely in their case when I did? I am sad that they are crushed on the street somewhere and I am left with an older pair (I DID think to bring a backup) that have little scratches RIGHT where my pupils are. Dang. $400 and a couple weeks before that problem gets fixed.

Oh wait, there IS this little pair in a store at Grand Central Station that I tried on weeks ago that have a panther pattern on them...

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