Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sick, but in NYC

Hey, I may be laying in bed eating whatever I can find in my empty kitchen, guzzling DayQuill every 4 hours and making sure the Kleenex box isn't far away but I am STILL in New York City. A little hard to believe and a little hard to take that I am wasting one full day of being here laying in bed but dang, I feel terrible!

My painting class yesterday was a bit of a daze. I know I painted for a good 4 hours, I took a break to go across the street for a bowl of lentil soup and that painting is as good as done as we are to bring a new 4' square canvas to class next week. I so much wish I had thought to take a photo of my painting. I think it was nice, I was feeling good about it but I wish I could remember it. It's so big and there are so many people in the room and there's not much room to step way back and see what you ended up with - with that big a canvas, I need 20 feet, not to mention a clear head! Next Saturday, I'll take a photo so I can really look at it.

I'm struggling with the Artspace at home. I am so discouraged. It may be crazy to think that I can combine the business needs and structure of leasing space with the idea of the loose offering of studio space to artists. It seemed like a fun idea and something that would encourage a 'community' of artists but everyone has their list and the expectations may be unreasonable on both sides - theirs and mine. It's interesting to think how loss and risk and fear affects these relationships. Interesting and sad. It seems a little like a game of chicken - how far do you push, how much do you give?

I am hoping 3 days of this awful cold will be enough and tomorrow, I'll be out on the street once again!

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