I got back to NYC on Sunday and went to my Sculpture class on Monday night. This is the finished product after working on it 2 - 3 hours classes. It's better. It looks more like the guy but holy smoke, the DETAILS are so extremely important. The teacher pointed out that none of us got the distance from his bottom lip to his chin right (I mean that indentation UNDER his bottom lip). It went in much further than any of us made it and dangit, it's THESE details that really make it right. Not necessarily that it looks like the model, but that the form is right.
We started out this class with a handful of clay and we were supposed to make the model's head in our hand. It was fun! These things grow and grow - I need to start with the head about 1/3 the size smaller than it is so I can add everything ON it. I decided, since it's small to let this one dry and fire it - maybe I can bring it home as a momento!
You should Definetly bring it home!!